by AJN Accountants | Feb 23, 2024 | Accounting, Advice, FAQs, Small Businesses, VAT
In the world of VAT, a business can be unaware of a fraud in the supply chain and still be regarded as a fraudster, if they have not properly vetted their suppliers or has ignored signs of potential connections to fraud. In 2023 alone there were three high-profile...
by AJN Accountants | Feb 17, 2024 | Accounting, Advice, Business, News, Small Businesses, Tax Planning
If you engage part time workers, or staff who work irregular hours, on permanent contracts you need to be aware of new rules affecting holiday pay calculations which take effect for holiday periods starting after 1 April 2024. Getting holiday pay right is vital,...
by AJN Accountants | Dec 4, 2023 | Accounting, Advice, Financial Planning, News, Small Businesses, Tax Planning
Cash basis to replace accruals for the self-employed as standard tax reporting method for 2024-25 (first year of tax year accounting). From April 2024, as part of a move to simplify calculation of taxable profits for Making Tax Digital, all self-employed taxpayers and...
by AJN Accountants | Aug 10, 2023 | Advice, Business, FAQs, News, Small Businesses
As we approach the summer holidays, it is not unusual for business owners to receive requests from friends/family for their children conducted a summer placement. In such a scenario it is important to carefully consider the below factors before accepting any children...
by yasiradnan94 | Feb 1, 2023 | Accounting, Advice, Small Businesses
You may have heard of the term ‘pro-rata’, in particular relating to pay for employees. This article will explain what it means and how it is worked out. What is Pro-Rata? Pro rata work is the proportion of earnings based on a full time salary. For example, if a full...
by yasiradnan94 | Oct 20, 2022 | Advice, Contractors, Small Businesses, Tax Planning
Travelling to the workplace may now be unaffordable for some employees but employers who help by reimbursing travel expenses could be creating an extra tax burden for themselves and their employees. The journey between an employee’s home and their permanent...