New fathers who are employees will benefit from greater flexibility when taking paternity leave from the start of the new tax year.
Under current rules, new fathers who meet the eligibility criteria can take either one week or two consecutive weeks of paternity leave, during which time they’re entitled to Statutory Paternity Pay (SPP). This time has to be taken off within eight weeks of the child being born (or adopted).
From 6 April 2024, these rules change. New fathers will be able to take up to two weeks of paternity leave at any time within the child’s first year. They will also be able to choose to either take their paternity leave entitlement all at once, or as two separate weeks.
Rules around providing notice will also be relaxed. Currently, fathers-to-be have to tell their employer when they plan to take their paternity leave at least 15 weeks before the baby’s due date. From 6 April 2024, by 15 weeks before the birth they will only have to tell their employer that they plan to take paternity leave. They won’t have to specify the dates they plan to take until a minimum of 28 days before each week of paternity leave.